sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 13, 2024

home, lunch date, and ballgame
posted by soe 10:18 pm

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. Rudi came home from his trip to Utah and Wyoming.

2. Julia and I haven’t gotten together just the two of us in ages, but Sunday afternoon, we carved out some time for lunch and an arts walk.

3. Wednesday, we headed to the ballpark, where the Nationals took the lead early and kept it through the end of the game.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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September 6, 2024

enlivening, date night, and getting my butt kicked
posted by soe 1:00 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. Karen and I are at the farthest point of our stroll when the raindrops start. They feel amazing, finally giving a solid form to the humidity. As does the light drizzle that follows. By the time we are halfway back, it’s a solid downpour, soaking our clothes, soddening our shoes and socks, and puddling in the pathway. But we are together, and that makes it more delightful than not.

2. Rudi and I scoot over to Arlington to pick up my summer reading prize on the last day and then opt to go out for drinks at a local coffee and wine bar with a patio. He reads to me and I to him, and I knit a bit, and the weather is perfect for sitting together.

3. In our Scrabble match, Dad comes back on day two of the game (we went on pause for dinner and came back the next day) to trounce me, scoring back-to-back triple word scores, including one using the “z.” Best loss I’ve had in a while.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 0 Comments.

August 30, 2024

at last, rain at the surface level, and why we do it
posted by soe 1:56 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. Susan and I have been trying to schedule lunch for weeks, but illness, appointments, and vacations have hindered our plans. But finally this week, we managed to get together for a couple hours.

2. I am swimming when the weather changes. At first, the breeze ripples the surface, creating a textured surface for my breaststroke to cross. Then, a single drop hits that makes me wonder if it was a bug divebombing the water, before others start to join it. Finally, a soft summer rain picks up its pace, kerplinking a reverberating staccato tempo across the deep end of the pool.

3. Because of rainouts, the final afternoon of summer volleyball camp coincides with the first day of D.C.’s academic year, meaning only a trio of kids show up after school, but they are filled with enthusiasm. The first-grader who arrives early sprints onto the field, realizes we’re still on the sideline, and about-faces. He comes charging toward us, I assume ready for a high-five. And instead, he wraps his arms around my waist. Oh!

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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August 23, 2024

friends, favorite, and phew!
posted by soe 1:28 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. I won tickets to see Andrew Bird at Wolf Trap, an amphitheater on National Park land not far outside D.C. My friends Chris and Julie were able to join Rudi and me, and we met up with Michael, Julia, and Sarah to picnic before the show. It was cool, clear weather, and the show was a solid one — a really lovely night.

2. Tonight, the local “Friends of” group showed The Princess Bride in the local park. It was as crowded as I’ve ever seen it for a film, and I find that I love the movie as much as I did 30 years ago when I first saw it (even if I can recognize its faults). Inconceivable?! I think not!

3. Rebecca, who’s the lead coach for our volleyball volunteer group, joined Saturday volleyball because Aroush and I raved about it so. She’d been away for much of the summer session, but was finally able to make it last weekend — and she had a good time!

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 1 Comment.

August 16, 2024

jason, colorful, and not a sauna
posted by soe 1:46 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. My birthday twin and his older daughter are in the area visiting family. We catch up with them for lunch and have a great time catching up and hearing about Nina’s first real job.

2. The sun, made redder because of smoke from Canadian wildfires, sets behind the Lincoln Memorial as Katie and I pedal up to the bar after our volleyball game.

3. The weather has been so gorgeous this week. Highs in the 80s and lows dipping into the 60s some nights, with lower humidity than we’ve had in ages, make for pleasant walking, sitting, sleeping, and playing.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 2 Comments.

August 9, 2024

negative, a crowd, and missing the worst of it
posted by soe 1:40 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. After giving me a ride home the night before, my friend tests positive for COVID. Thus far, I’ve tested negative and feel fine.

2. We have twelve kids for our second week of volleyball coaching. This is the biggest group in a long while.

3. It starts raining just as a volleyball pal and I finish our post-game dinner on the patio, so while he heads inside to wait for his bus back to Maryland, I walk the mile or so home in the weather. I’m already damp from playing for hours in the heat and humidity, and the drizzle feels refreshing. It lets up about halfway home and then, just as I step under cover at home, the skies open up with the intensity only an August storm can offer. I watch for a minute, then head inside to dry off and take a nap.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 1 Comment.