sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 31, 2006

happy halloween!
posted by soe 9:47 pm

Rudi and I have not yet carved our pumpkins, so I’m eagerly awaiting his arrival so we can get on with that.

In the meantime, I offer you some seasonal fun:

  • Slate‘s “Tracking Tricks and Treats
  • The National Confectioners Association’s statistics and background about Halloween
  • The History Channel offers you a history of the holiday
  • Scaredy Cat” from Garfield’s Halloween Adventure
  • It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (Yes, it’s the whole thing; no, I don’t know how they got permission, either….)
  • Me!

    my Halloween costume

    I’m not telling you. But I have a highly intelligent readership and I bet that you can figure it out. Feel free to check the comments if you’re feeling stumped. I’m sure someone will leave a clue there… And if you need a close-up of one of the details, feel free to check after the jump.

    Halloween costume clue: a tea bag
Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 4 Comments.

soe, were you having a boston tea party for DCers who are taxed but don’t have the right of self-government?? how political! (how perfect!)

Comment by ejbro 11.01.06 @ 1:24 am

ejbro beat me to it! Though I was just going w/ Boston Tea Party 🙂 Awesome!!!

(I like the cat in the background who almost seems to be on your shoulder)

Comment by Jenn 11.01.06 @ 7:09 am

love the boston tea party theme! the fact that your cat is behind you looking very perplexed is great.

Comment by amanda 11.01.06 @ 9:39 am

I totally love your Boston Tea party costume!
Very Clever!

Comment by Paula 11.07.06 @ 4:17 pm