sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 2, 2014

advent tour?
posted by soe 1:49 am

It occurred to me fleetingly a couple times last month that nothing had come through my feed reader from the annual Virtual Advent Tour about signing up for this year, but I assumed that it was merely a problem with the feed (it wouldn’t have been the first to be imported incorrectly after Google Reader went away), and I assured myself each time that I’d remember to go to the site to check out the deal. But it wasn’t until this morning, Dec. 1, that I followed through, wandering over to investigate the situation. It seems like perhaps it’s been shuttered for this year, since there are no new posts for 2014.

I was sad, realizing how much I’d come to count on these posts as of my December morning routine. Marg and Kailana put in a lot of work the past five years and I don’t want to usurp their place if they decide they want to return next year, but I also figure that I’m probably not the only one wishing to read other people’s holiday thoughts this month. So, I thought I’d put it out there: if I ran something similar from here, are other folks interested in signing up? It likely wouldn’t be anything nearly as fancy as what Kailana and Marg did (because I haven’t done any planning), but I’d be happy to post a roundup each morning pointing folks to seasonal posts around the blogosphere (and maybe I could include a video a couple times a week).

The posts can be about anything related to Christmas, advent, Hanukkah, the winter solstice, or anything else Decemberish. If you’re at a loss as to what you might post, here are links to what I’ve posted in years past: I’ve reported on a tuba carol sing, reviewed a Christmassy book, shared a song, a weird Canadian cartoon of the ’70s, and a cookie recipe, offered insight into making a Christmas mix, and took you along on for a pictorial tour of D.C.’s Christmas scene (including the first year we attended this tuba concert). And that’s just what I’ve written about. Other people share recipes, post about a special song, review a favorite holiday book, reminisce about Christmas past, talk about what their town or organization does to mark the holiday season, or generally tell what they’re doing to make the season merry.

If you’re interested in participating, leave me a note in the comments and tell me what date you think you’ll post. I can see your email address in the back end of my blog, so no need to leave that in the body of the comments. If folks do seem interested in going ahead, it’s fine for multiple people to post on the same day.

And if no one else is interested, that’s okay, too. I’ll try and share my own holiday thoughts as the month goes on. (Also, if someone else has already done this for 2014, please point me their direction; I have no need to reinvent the wheel.)

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.

I thought about the tour on December 1st. I will try to get something together, but probably closer to Christmas. December 6th was always my day to post, but I would have needed to be thinking about this long before now!

I like that you thought of it, and would like to plan it for next year. I think you should!

Comment by raidergirl3 12.02.14 @ 9:11 pm

I’d be interested in participating in this! Keep me posted.

Comment by Sarah 12.03.14 @ 11:42 am