sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 21, 2006

days before vacations suck
posted by soe 3:18 pm

If sucky things can happen the day before a vacation, they will.

People monopolized the washing machine last night. Did they not smell the mildewy smell in the hallway from the soggy things that require washing?

Last night the iPod broke. It’s under warranty, so I should be fine. But the store I bought it from had no time for me today. Luckily there’s another Metro-accessible store where I was able to make an 8 p.m. appointment. Keep your fingers crossed that I leave the store with a working iPod.

I had a four-hour meeting today. And another phone meeting in 20 minutes. There are still four other things on my work to-do list.

I need to do laundry — and have it dry. I need to pack.

I need to decide on books and knitting projects to take with me. These are important choices with two cross-country flights in the plan. What if I don’t like the first book? I only have 130 pages left in the book I’m currently reading. Do I leave it behind in favor of a book I haven’t started yet. Should I bring the tank top? Or start Rudi’s other sock? Should I forego taking a shawl and bring the shawl that’s sitting on my needles with the idea that I’ll definitely finish it if I need to wear it on Saturday night?

Ack! Ack! Ack!

I need to remember to breathe…

Category: travel. There is/are 2 Comments.

If you forget to breath, those colored spots you will see are a good reminder.

I would select books by size for the convenience of carrying them on the plane. I tend to bring more books than are required, though, and have a nasty habit of picking up more along the way.

As for the shawl, consider the level of stress you will generate by requiring yourself to finish it, and decide based on that.

How does Homeland Security do with knitting needles? Is bringing them on an airplane going to get you added to some terrorist suspect list?

As for laundry, if you can’t get it done, you are welcome to use our washing machine and dryer. We can play scrabble and you can knit while we play and wait for the dryer to finish.

Comment by Grey Kitten 06.21.06 @ 5:31 pm

Remember the advice that your mother gave to you when you were in grade school: Hold your breath, count to ten (slowly) and let it out. Grey Kitten’s counsel is quite good too.

Comment by DOD 06.21.06 @ 10:21 pm