sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 22, 2012

skipping, blues, and drift
posted by soe 4:14 pm

Spring has arrived. It’s 75 degrees outside and the sun has finally chased the fog away. Today, it’s easy to come up with beautiful things. Here are just three of them from the past week:

1. Rudi and I catch the last few rays of sunlight after work from Soho’s patio. A guy and a girl go into the coffeehouse excitedly chatting and then come out (empty-handed, I’m pretty sure), even more boisterous than they went in. The guy, wearing a full suit, gives an exuberant skip as they walk away.

2. I get off at the Brookland metro stop just as twilight is fully taking possession of the sky. The Basilica’s dome seems to glow against the gradient of dusky blues behind it.

3. A breeze ruffles the cherry blossoms as I walk under the tree on our block. A handful or two of petals drift slowly to the ground, like soft, pale pink snowflakes.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 4 Comments.

Well, not cherry blossoms, I can assure you! Let’s see. The daylily leaves are up maybe 2 inches. The poplars are coming out. And oh, yeah, the g-d ticks have arrived. But the air is lovely and the heat of the sun is most welcome.

Comment by Nan 03.23.12 @ 12:11 pm

The peepers are peeping like mad. The daffodils are blooming. And it’s so nice to have all the windows open.

Comment by Karen 03.23.12 @ 7:32 pm

Please send some Spring our way. We’ve had highs in the low 40s or high 30s for a couple weeks now. It snowed twice this week at our house, and the 3-5 inches our area received yesterday was the latest in the season that significant/measurable snow has ever been recorded.

I’m ready to be warm…

Comment by rebs 03.23.12 @ 11:06 pm

@Nan: And now our cherry blossoms are gone. If you held your breath, you missed them this year. And I hear you about the ticks. I’ve never been bitten by one, and I came home from the garden with one yesterday. (Luckily, I was pretty sure I’d felt it earlier, so I checked first thing when I got inside.

@Karen: Open windows are a good thing, although I’ve just closed the one in my office because it was making my lunch cold. Peepers!

@Rebs: Warm weather and spring coming your way! I don’t want you guys freezing while you watch Joseph play baseball!

Comment by soe 03.26.12 @ 12:30 pm