sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 18, 2005

turning the page, old tv, and knowing everyone’s okay
posted by soe 11:28 pm

Three beautiful things from the last week:

1. When Karen and Michael came to town last week, we were looking for cool, veggie-friendly food for dinner. When we got to Lebanese Taverna, I was dismayed to discover they’d gotten rid of their page full of vegetarian food. Or at least I was until I realized there was another page of the menu tucked under a flap I’d missed. Dinner was great.

2. I took the first six episodes of The Dukes of Hazzard out of the video store the other day. Rudi and I watched the first two episodes last night. It definitely wasn’t a deep show, but boy was it enjoyable!

3. The extended Burrow family has had a few more trips to the hospital in the last week than usual. But the good news is that we don’t believe any permanent damage has been sustained by anyone, and some unhealthy behaviors may change as a result.

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