Oops! I somehow thought I was going to get back to a computer on Thursday so I could offer you three beautiful things from the road, but that didn’t end up being the case. Apologies to those of you who pop in here once a week looking for some upbeat content. Here, belatedly, are three beautiful things from last week:
1. Michael’s play, The Quick Brown Fox Jumped over the Lazy Dogs was excellent. I admit that I was worried it would feel dated, but Michael had written new material to keep it current and I feel like the audience got a lot out of it.
2. Rudi and I have been getting up each morning and watching the live stream of the Tour de France on the computer. Rudi has long been interested in the Tour and I have paid enough attention to be able to ask intelligent questions in years past. This year, though, I actively followed along and had many a nice moment cheering a particularly dramatic sprint or heroic mountain climb.
3. Peppers flourish in our garden and this season is no exception, when I doubled the number we normally plant. I stopped by on Wednesday afternoon to water and came home with a handful of hot peppers, as well as three beans.
There are people around here who grow peppers because they are for sale at the Farmers’ Markets – gorgeous colors, both sweet peppers and hot – but not in my garden. One year we had green peppers that actually turned color. Another few years we got flowers and teeny tiny peppers. We have officially given up. :<) Lucky, lucky you!
Comment by Nan 07.27.09 @ 8:44 am@Nan: Peppers seem to grow easily for us, but give us a squash plant and we’re sure to kill it off.
Comment by soe 07.30.09 @ 2:15 am