sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 22, 2012

book poll: reviews
posted by soe 2:04 am

When I get back home this week, I’m going to work on getting some book reviews written. Help me to decide where to start by telling me which titles interest you the most.

Children’s Books

  • Winnie-the-Pooh
  • Tuck Everlasting
  • Dealing with Dragons
  • The View from Saturday
  • The Watsons Go to Birmingham — 1963
  • The Egypt Game

Young Adult Books

  • The Wednesday Wars
  • 37 Things I Love (In No Particular Order)
  • Chopsticks
  • Ditched: A Love Story
  • Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
  • The Future of Us
  • Curveball: The Year I Lost My Grip
  • The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight

Adult Books

  • The Night Circus
  • The Art of Fielding
  • The Spellman Files
  • The Beekeeper’s Apprentice
  • Arcadia
  • Pardonable Lies
  • The Age of Miracles
  • Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life
  • The Borrower
Category: books. There is/are 4 Comments.