sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 19, 2019

what a hoot, improvements, and date
posted by soe 1:32 am

Three beautiful things from my previous week:


1. I happened to glance up as I was carrying my lunch to the other room to see that my parents had a visitor. (Apologies for the photo quality; I was shooting through a window and a screen.)

Checking Out the Woods

2. At the garden work day, a few of us worked on a construction project that added some pvc piping to our infrastructure that should necessitate the garden’s master spigot, which is located in a corner of my plot, to be accessed far less often, which is more convenient for everyone.

I See You

3. Rudi and I were both home on Monday, so after mailing our taxes, we treated ourselves to a late lunch out at a local Cuban restaurant. We then followed it with a trip to Trader Joe’s, where the samples were plentiful and delicious (and included chocolate).

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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