sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 4, 2009

evenfall, quartet, and deluges
posted by soe 1:59 pm

Sorry for the blog silence since Monday. Tuesdays are my night for cooking dinner, which I turned into a multi-hour disaster area by adding cupcakes to the mix. And last night I was just cranky and querulous, so I betook myself to bed.

Three beautiful things from the past week:

1) As twilight approaches the business district near my house, I happen to glance up. One of the local restaurants is located in a row house, where the top floor is either an office or a residence with French doors opening onto a small, semi-circular balcony. The occupant has decorated the railing with window boxes of glowing fuchsia impatiens.

2) Walking home from the farmers’ market, I notice a car parked nearby. It has four brightly hued bouquets tied to each corner of its roof rack.

3) Twice in the past week, just as I’ve ventured forth into the world, the skies have opened up, thunder and lightning have split the sky, and I have found myself walking through torrents of water. The thing is, once you’ve gone from being either dry or just a little bit wet to being soaked, it just becomes comical and you have no other option but to laugh out loud with merriment.

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June 1, 2009

monday music at midnight: emily barker
posted by soe 11:05 pm

We’ve enjoyed the May’s Masterpiece Theatre Mystery series, Wallander, starring Kenneth Branaugh. The haunting theme music, I discovered on Ravelry, is “Nostalgia,” written and performed by Emily Barker. See if you don’t agree:

Emily performs with The Red Clay Halo. This is their song, “This Is How It’s Meant to Be”:

And because those songs were a bit melancholy, I thought it would be good to end with this duet of “Fields of June” with Frank Turner:

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posted by soe 1:42 am

There is just not enough time to bake all the rhubarb and/or strawberry sweets I want to make before their seasons run out on me.

Maybe if everyone I knew also baked some and then we had a big baked good party…

Yes, I know that seems unlikely…

Tomorrow should I make strawberry-rhubarb and thyme shortcakes or rhubarb cupcakes or strawberry mascarpone cream puffs or … ?

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