sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 26, 2020

happy boxing day — and vacation!
posted by soe 2:14 am

2020 Christmas Tree (and Cat)

Happy Boxing Day, everyone!

I hope you had a nice Christmas! Things here went fine. We ate cinnamon buns for breakfast, had a walk around the neighborhood, and talked with our parents. We cooked a modest feast together, opened presents, and watched White Christmas and the next episode of Dash and Lily.

And now we will rest and relax for another week before I need to think about adulting again. There will be more cooking (apparently I can only handle three-four dishes a day, so our Christmas dishes are being spread out through at least one more day, if not two), baking, reading, and knitting. I will listen to Christmas music and new music and watch Christmas movies (which I just couldn’t do for the most part before the holiday). I am definitely sleeping in. There may be some video chats and phone calls with friends, and we are trying to set up a socially distanced movie night with a couple local friends in our bubble. There will be time outside during daylight hours, even on the chilly days. And there will be lots of time with Rudi, after so much time apart. I’m looking forward to all of it.

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