sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 27, 2019

my most recent library haul
posted by soe 1:26 am

Library Haul

Rudi and I stopped by the local library branch yesterday, where I had a few holds waiting for me. It seems like all my red-spined requests came in at once…

We watched Ant-Man this evening. It was cute. I’ve started The Body Papers by Grace Talusan, a memoir written by the sister of someone I knew from college, and am trying to decide which fictional work to begin next. I’m thinking possibly one of the other books that would qualify for Asian-American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, which would be Emergency Contact; From Twinkle, With Love; and Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors.

What have you picked up from the library recently?

Category: books. There is/are 1 Comment.

Most of your books have date stickers on them. Is that when the book came out or was acquired by the library? I am reading a library copy of “A Dirty Job” by Christopher Moore because I wanted something humorous, and I took out several different translations of Wislawa Szymborska’s poetry because I plan to compare them, and I borrowed a book called “The Girl Who Could Not Dream” (by Sarah Beth Durst) because I liked the title.

Comment by Karen 05.27.19 @ 12:10 pm