sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 1, 2017

healing, breaks, and being your true self
posted by soe 1:13 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

Summer Bouquet

1. Nearly two weeks ago, I seriously scraped up my knee getting into the pool (the perils of swimming at the shallower pool by the library). Because of its location on a joint, it stayed red and angry far longer than any scrape I’ve had in a while, but it’s finally healing nicely. I can now scratch nearby bug bites without fear of re-opening it!

2. Life at work has been stressful this summer. Some of that is beyond my control — organizational changes, project deadlines — but some of it can be chalked up to some habits I’ve fallen into. This week, I took a stab at righting the ship by taking a lunch break every day. I hope to be able to carry that on into September.

Mini Cupcake

3. I rode home on the train the other day with a woman sporting a gorgeous flowered dress, magenta hair, a Hello Kitty-shaped lunch box, and heart-shaped flowers or balloons painted on her toenails.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world recently?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 3 Comments.

Finished projects and bingo cover alls! Have a great weekend!

Comment by AsKatKnits 09.01.17 @ 7:49 am

you should always break for lunch! My husband forgets to eat (???) and when he does, look out world – it’s not pretty. My three favs: this weather!!! my knitting and the peacefulness of the mornings.

Comment by karen 09.01.17 @ 1:54 pm

new puppy next door . All the sights, none of the work. My garden is taking in new plants from friends well. First Fall with my mom in heaven. Im happy for her

Comment by kathy b 09.01.17 @ 3:34 pm