sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 26, 2018

concolor fir
posted by soe 1:05 am

My folks went out to the town of Union yesterday to buy their Christmas tree. We tromped all over the farm hunting for a tree with branches strong enough to hold their heavy ornaments and soft enough not to prick fingers and in the Goldilocks range for size.

Finally we found an interesting one and decided that would be best:

Concolor Fir

This is a concolor fir. The branches seem firmer than most firs, and the needles long but not sharp. And it has a citrusy piney scent, which smells delightful.

I think my folks picked well, don’t you?

Category: christmas/holiday season. There is/are 2 Comments.

Oh that looks like an excellent tree!

Comment by Bridget 11.26.18 @ 8:34 am

We have two very large concolor firs in our woods. THey do smell divine! I’ve not seen one used for a Christmas tree. how nice!

Comment by kathy b 11.26.18 @ 6:00 pm