sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 31, 2018

posted by soe 12:51 am

Harry Potter & the Cursed Child

Rudi and I took a few days off to travel to New York City this week, and today we saw both parts of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

Harry Potter & the Cursed Child

I will not ruin anything by giving away spoilers, but rest assured that the play was enjoyed both by the person who’d read the working script (me) and the one who went in knowing nothing. If you’ve been thinking about seeing it and wondering if it was worth it, it is. I highly recommend it and will be eager to see how it does at the upcoming Tony Awards. I suspect it will do well, particularly for the technical awards.

Category: arts,travel. There is/are 1 Comment.

Al would love to go there!!! Glad you enjoyed it

Comment by kathy b 05.31.18 @ 2:54 pm