sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 1, 2014

happy halloween!
posted by soe 11:58 pm

Did you have a nice holiday?

We did.

We carved jack o’lanterns. Mine’s on the left:

Jack o'Lanterns

I decorated my office:

LEDs in a Vase

I got dressed up (and, no, you’re right; I’ve used this idea before):

Pippi Longstocking

It requires a coat hanger and an entire can of orange hair spray (and the ability to remain calm when half-asleep and unable to remember how to braid after doing it regularly for 33 years):


But it all adds up to a lot of fun!

Did you do anything for Halloween?

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.

There’s no rule that says you can’t be Pippi more than once. I think it’s a great costume! And I like the goofy grin on your jack-o’-lantern.

Comment by Karen 11.02.14 @ 10:20 am

@Karen: Thank you! I felt a little lazy because I’d had other ideas and they just hadn’t manifested themselves in completed ensembles, but it’s definitely my most accessible costume.

Rudi and I have wholly different approaches to carving pumpkins. He draws what he wants and I just start cutting and improvising, but we both end up happy and that’s what counts.

Comment by soe 11.03.14 @ 2:45 am