sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 10, 2006

prospects, chatting up, and food of the gods
posted by soe 10:50 am

Three beautiful things from the last week:

1. Having finished the socks, I get to pick the next project to work on. This involved looking through a bunch of books and magazines and then opening up the pie safe to look over all my yarn. It’s so tantalizing to choose to the last summer project — and to think ahead to days when I’ll want to sit outside with wool in my lap once again!

2. Tuesday night, just after work ended, my cell phone rang. It was BW, who caught me up on all the news of her summer. Then Erik IM’d me and we got to talk about what’s coming up in his life. I miss my friends from up north and it always brings bright rays of sunshine and rainbows into my life when I hear from them.

3. I made ambrosia this week. It’s very simple — just combine marshmallows, sour cream, mandarin oranges, pineapple, and coconut — but a remarkably unhealthy way to eat fruit. So instead of making it regularly, I only eat it once or twice a summer these days. Man, is it a tasty dessert!

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