sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 24, 2010

sing me a song, slurp, and baby fat
posted by soe 11:18 pm

This morning I deliberately and flagrantly walked under a ladder. Do you think that’s related to the three subsequent wardrobe malfunctions I had? But instead of listing those, instead let’s list three beautiful things from the past week:

1. Along our walk home Friday night, our ultra-serious conversation about politics and values and discrimination takes a more lighthearted turn and we end up talking about ear worms, those songs that just get stuck in your head and refuse to budge. John shares his remedy — the theme song from Pinky and the Brain. When I reply that I’m not familiar enough with the show to know the song and that he and Rudi would just have to sing it for me, they do, right there in Dupont Circle. [Apologies to those of you who now have that song stuck in your head.]

2. The first stone fruit of the season arrive at the farmers’ market. I sit at my desk with a rosy, golden nectarine and fragrant juice runs down my arms.

3. A local mother is getting ready to head out with her baby. The stroller is turned from us, but we both admire the one chubby foot we can see.

It’s a good week when you have trouble narrowing your selections down to three, don’t you think?

How about you? Share something beautiful from your week in the comments.

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 2 Comments.

“One is a genius, the other’s insane.” Gonna be singing that all day.

Comment by Karen 06.25.10 @ 7:28 am

@Karen: Yeah, sorry about that. You were my one concern…

Comment by soe 07.07.10 @ 1:04 am