sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 22, 2009

relaxation, sneaky veg, and funny faces
posted by soe 11:39 pm

It’s Thursday! Time for three beautiful things from the last week:

1. A rainy Saturday means pajama time on the couch, hot tea, books, and knitting.

2. Warm zucchini bread spread with butter. (And Rudi pointing out that grating zucchini is a lot faster with the food processor than with the cheese grater…)

3. A bulldog stares out the window, standing on top of what I hope is a ceramic jack o’lantern.

What’s been beautiful in your neck of the woods recently?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 2 Comments.

My wife and child are beautiful. Their relationship with each other is beautiful. Their relationships with me is beautiful; the way our faces light up when we make eye contact, the way we laugh together, dine together, and hug each other.

Comment by Stu 10.28.09 @ 9:37 pm

@Stu: That does sound beautiful. Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment!

Comment by soe 11.07.09 @ 10:38 am