sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 29, 2020

doing pandemic math wrong
posted by soe 1:37 am

I was stymied by an ice-breaker question asked today during a meeting: What have you added to your life since the pandemic began?

I think some of this may be why I’m struggling again lately. While I settled on the answer of growing zucchini, I’m not really sure it’s true. I can point to plenty of subtractions in my life. It’s all I see right now, with the threat of more looming just over the horizon. But all my decision-making is based on knowing what I stand to lose could be so much worse if I’m cavalier with my choices.

But maybe, like with squash, I need to find the small additions in my life. They won’t balance the equation against what has been taken away. But they might be enough that I can find peace.

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.

I think maybe you are too hard on yourself . You don’t have the answer yet, but you will.
YOU, got me to buy a tiny little ice cream maker. It has helped me so much. I can make low fat ice cream any night. You helped me stay on my diet.

What have you added? Well, you continued your blog. Lots of people decide , and it is okay that they do, to stop writing their blogs. I know that blog writers who write and are honest with each other, inspire each other. You were already doing something wonderful. And. you . Still. are. It take effort and creativity and consistency to keep a blog going. Thank you!

Comment by Kathy Boyer 09.29.20 @ 8:33 pm

You once loaned me your copy of “Pollyanna,” so I know you’ll know what I mean when I say that I’ve been playing the Glad Game a lot these days.

Comment by Karen 09.29.20 @ 8:46 pm