sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 20, 2020

happy last night of spring!
posted by soe 1:19 am

Summer arrives on Saturday evening. Ways I’m hoping to celebrate this weekend:

  • Chatting with my dad on Sunday.
  • Planting some seedlings Rudi picked up from a friend.
  • Finishing a book or two.
  • Sending some mail.
  • Buying fruit. (It looks like peaches, blueberries, and raspberries (and maybe tart cherries) will all arrive at the market this weekend.)
  • Baking.
  • Turning the heel of my sock.
  • Hanging new fairy lights.
  • Sorting through our cookbooks.
  • Enjoying the new cds Dad sent me.

How about you? What’s your weekend looking like?

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