sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 17, 2011

summer in the city … apartment
posted by soe 11:09 pm

Our a/c unit broke on Sunday. Our landlord is on it, and he and his handyman are trying to track down a new one that’s the right size.

In the meantime…

Thank goodness it broke this week and not during one of our heatwaves!

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posted by soe 1:24 am

That half hour between when the sun actually sets and when it really gets dark? That’s when it feels like it’s really baseball time — when the sky is still fading away and when the big ballpark lights turn on.

Baseball at Twilight

Yes, the sky really was that color tonight.

And, yes, the Nationals beat the Reds, 6-4.

It was a good night to be a baseball fan.

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