sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 5, 2009

still plugging away
posted by soe 4:43 am

It’s late at night or early in the morning, depending on your perspective. I’ve just given the cats more food, so they’re up prowling, but until recently, I was the only one up. Jer was in the bedroom making sure Rudi got some sleep so he’ll be awake during our drive out to the tree farm. Posey and Della would prefer it if I’d point out that they were keeping me company in the living room, eager to help out if they could. Posey, in particular, did periodically pop up to chase away an errant plastic milk ring or packing peanut that looked threatening.

I appreciate her efforts to keep me on task.

So far in the cleaning process, we have found:

  • The keys to my car and my parents’ house, which I’ve been missing for a year
  • The necklace I bought from Carli that’s been AWOL at least six months
  • Rudi’s SmarTrip card, which we’d thought was gone forever
  • A bunch more things we’d misplaced, including souvenirs from our trip to France last year

I’d say that’s quite the success, wouldn’t you? Although if we turn up Rudi’s old iPhone in a bag somewhere, I will cry…

The Burrow is still a mess, but the layers of mess are getting thinner and are moving away from the edges toward the center, which I think means we are making progress. I remarked to Rudi tonight that even if we got rid of nothing else from the apartment before the party that I thought we’d have done better than we did last year.

And the best news of all? The party is in 36 hours, so there is limited time left for me to write further about the cleaning process.

I knew you’d be excited.

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