sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 3, 2006

sunday evening relaxation
posted by soe 10:51 pm

I was right — about 4:30, Rudi and I started to relax into the rhythms of the party.

One guest accidentally arrived a little early, thinking that he’d given us 45 minutes to iron out the kinks from the time he thought the party started.

Folks brought beer and wine and cookies. My friend Amani made indoor smores, saving me from having to make brownies. (Thank you!!!)

The tree is up, lit, and trimmed, and looks festive and sparkly. My headache has dissipated. And the cats are thoroughly enjoying the soft ornaments that decorate the tree’s lower limbs as well as the water in the tree stand.

And I completely forgot to move the candy canes onto the food table, so it’s good you guys convinced me not to buy fresh ones for 2006. Thanks for your wise words.

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we have a steep learning curve
posted by soe 1:22 pm

Our party starts at 4; it’s now 1:22. The house is not clean. The tree is still sitting out in the hallway. No food has been cooked. We expect about a dozen people sometime this evening.

The bed is already full of crap that can’t go anywhere else.

Why do we never learn?

(Come 4:30 or so, it will be fun… Rest assured. We’re just in the height of panic season here in the Burrow.)

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